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A. Online application (Applications received after the deadline will not be processed): From 9 a.m. on February 1, 2020 to 5 p.m. on March 30, 2020 (Taiwan time; GMT+8).

  1. Log on to the online application system: https://aps.ncue.edu.tw/exampg_f/
  2. Fill out the form completely and accurately: Please refer to page 4 of the Brochure for the application procedure.
  3. Application for undergraduate programs is limited to not more than 5 departments (sections); application for Master’s (Doctoral) programs is limited to not more than 3 graduate institutes (sections).
  4. Notes for online application:
  1. It is suggested to use Google Chrome or Firefox 10.x version (and above) for online application. Please do not use tablet computers, mobile phones, to avoid the loss of application data.
  2. To avoid network congestion, please log onto the website and complete online application as soon as possible. Late applications are not accepted; please pay attention to the deadline so as to avoid failing to fill out the application form, due to the shutdown of the application system.
  3. Applicants who upload the application materials online and are qualified for admissions, will be deemed to agree to provide relevant information to admission personnel for the purpose of review, announcement of admissions, data transfer to the University’s student academic record system after admission, and agree that the University provides relevant information for the local alumni association for the purpose of contact for application, admission notice, scholarships, etc.; If you do not agree with the foregoing matters, please inform us prior to release of admission decisions.


B. Uploading documents for review

Please merge the following documents into one PDF file and upload it to the application system by clicking on “Online Application” → ”Upload Documents & Edit Application” within the prescribed time limit. Documents uploaded after the deadline will not be processed.

  1. Application form for admission: After applying online, go to “Search for Information” → “Download Application Form”, print out the form, attach a 2inch half-length and bareheaded photo taken within the last three months at the top of the form, sign your name at the bottom of the form, scan the form and upload it to the online application system with the other documents.
  2. Identification document: A photocopy of the passport or other documents for proof of nationality. A photocopy of the Alien Resident Certificate is required if available.

If the applicant meets the provisions in Article 2 of the Ministry of Education’s Regulations Regarding International Students Undertaking Studies in Taiwan, has a foreign nationality as required and possesses (or possessed) a ROC nationality, then the applicant needs to provide immigration records for the past six years, certificate of ROC nationality renouncement or other supporting documents.

  1. Declaration Form (see Appendix I)
  2. Checklist and Affidavit for International Students Seeking to Study in Taiwan (See Appendix II)
  3. Academic credentials: The official highest academic credential from a foreign school or equivalent documents proving the academic qualifications and yearly transcripts authenticated by a Taiwan Overseas Representative Office or an institute established or appointed by or a private agency commissioned by the Executive Yuan (If the documents are in languages other than Chinese or English, an authenticated Chinese or English translation should be additionally attached.)
    1. Academic credentials from Mainland China: The provisions in Method for Recognition of Mainland China Academic Credentials shall apply.
    2. Academic credentials from Hong Kong or Macau: The provisions in Method for Verification and Recognition of Hong Kong and Macau Academic Credentials shall apply.
    3. Academic credentials from other areas:
  1. The academic credential from an overseas Taiwanese school or a school in Mainland China for Taiwanese merchants shall be regarded as the same as that from a domestic school of an equivalent level.
  2. Foreign academic credentials from schools other than the two areas referred to in the preceding paragraphs shall be processed in accordance with the provisions in Method for Recognition of Foreign Academic Credentials by Universities. However, if the academic credential is issued by a foreign school established or with a branch established in Mainland China, the academic credential shall be notarized by a notary public in Mainland China and authenticated by an institute established or appointed by or a civil group commissioned by the Executive Yuan.

If the authentication process cannot be completed before the application deadline, a signed Affidavit for Presentation of Admission Documents (see Appendix IV) must be submitted. If admitted, the student must provide at registration the original copy of diploma and transcript authenticated by a Taiwan Overseas Representative Office or an institute established or appointed by or a private agency commissioned by the Executive Yuan. The admission will be cancelled if such documents cannot be submitted on time.

The transcript must include grades for courses in every semester.

If the applicant is a recent graduate, the diploma does not need to be submitted for the application, but must be submitted at the time of registration, otherwise the admission will be cancelled.

For information about the websites of the Overseas Representative Offices, please refer to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs website (http://www.taiwanembassy.org).

  1. Autobiography (Study plan should be included for the applicants for doctoral or or Master’s programs.)

It can be written in Chinese or English without specific requirements for contents or formats. If you apply for several department programs (sections), it is suggested that the content is applicable to multiple department programs (sections). Please edit it with word processing software (such as WORD) and then convert it to PDF format.

  1. A proof of financial resources or a proof of scholarship (please choose one of the following).
    1. A photocopy of proof of financial resources issued by a financial institution within the past three months which demonstrates financial sustainability for the student’s study in Taiwan.

If the certificate of deposit is not under the applicant’s name, the proof of sponsor’s financial resources (see Appendix III) and certificate of deposit are required.

  1. Proof of full scholarship offered by a government agency, university, college or a civil organization.
  1. Official certification: Applicants must take the Test of Proficiency-Huayu SC-TOP organized by the Steering Committee for the Test of Proficiency-Huayu SC-TOP (http://www.sc-top.org.tw/) in accordance with regulations of departments. Please see the List of Departments/Graduate Institutes Accepting Enrollment in this brochure (page 18 to 23).
  2. For an application for admission to a doctoral program, the applicant needs to submit a Master’s thesis. If the thesis is written in a foreign language, a summary in Chinese or English is required (this requirement is waived if the applicant needs not write a Master’s thesis, but relevant proof documents must be provided).


C. Notes for uploading electronic documents online:

  1. It is suggested to use Google Chrome or Firefox 10.x version (and above) to apply for admission online.
  2. The above listed documents shall be made into PDF files and then merged into a single PDF file. It is recommended to use pure texts or static graphics in the PDF instead of videos or other special features (e.g., attachments, links or Flash), to avoid failure of presenting complete uploaded contents.
  3. Applicants shall upload the required documents before the deadline for application and document upload. The file upload will no longer function after the deadline.
  4. Applicants can review and update any of the information provided at any time within the period for document upload. After the deadline for application, the University will no longer accept any other documents and applicants can no longer change any of the information provided. Any incomplete application will be deemed as unqualified and the applicant shall be held fully liable for it.
  5. A student who submits forged, fabricated or altered documents shall be subject to admission cancellation; or a revocation of enrollment and denial to the request of any certificate pertaining to study, if the said student has already been enrolled; or revocation of graduation qualifications and confiscation or cancellation of the diploma, if the said student has been already graduated.

III. Application Fees: Exempted

IV. Notes for Application

A. An applicant for undergraduate programs may apply for admission to not more than 5 departments (sections); an applicant for Master’s (or Doctoral) programs may apply for admission to not more than 3 graduate institutes (sections), but may enroll in only one department or graduate institute (section) at the time of registration.

B. Applicants are required to have Chinese or English skills in listening, speaking, reading and writing. Applicants are also required to have passed all the courses taken in the school previously attended. Applicants for undergraduate admission must have earned an average grade and a grade in each of core courses related to the intended field of study at NCUE of at least C or 60. Applicants for graduate admission must have earned an average grade and a grade in each of core courses related to the intended field of study at NCUE of at least B or 70.

C. International students’ applications for admission are reviewed by an evaluation committee once a year. Those who pass the review will be informed by the University after the consent of the President. Those who do not meet the Chinese proficiency requirement may still be admitted for a degree or non-degree study with the consent of the evaluation committee. However, if necessary, they have to take Chinese language lessons offered by the University at their own expenses. The language lessons will not be included in the graduation credits, and the credits taken in each semester, if necessary, will be properly reduced depending upon the applicant’s level of Chinese proficiency.

D. According to the requirement of the Ministry of Education, international students who are expelled from a university or college due to behavioral issues, poor academic performance or a conviction under the criminal code may not apply for admission under the “Regulations Regarding International Students Undertaking Studies in Taiwan”. Any violation of this requirement that is verified will result in an immediate cancellation of the individual’s admission.

E. An international student submitting forged, fabricated, or altered documents for the purpose of NCUE application shall be subject to enrollment qualification cancellation; or a revocation of enrollment and denial to the request of any certificate pertaining to study, if the said student is already enrolled; or revocation of graduation qualifications and cancellation of the diploma by the University, if the student has been graduated.

F. By submitting an application, applicants agree to grant National Changhua University of Education the right to use the basic information and relevant files obtained through these admission procedures for the purpose of admission, registration, statistical research and educational administration. The relevant regulations stipulated in the “Personal Information Protection Act” shall apply to other matters.



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