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Campus Resources


School busCampus Resources

NCUE provides shuttle bus services between two campuses. For the latest bus schedule please refer to: http://general2.ncue.edu.tw/files/11-1019-84.php. The bus stops at the security station of each campus. Please go to the Office of General Affairs (http://general2.ncue.edu.tw/) to check the departure times of the bus.


Healhcare center

NCUE has a healthcare center to provide students and teachers healthcare services as well as healthcare education. The center also offers first-aid kits, crutches, healthcare products and magazines for rental services. For more details, please visit the following website: http://health.ncue.edu.tw/)



Spots HallCampus Resources

Post Office

Language Center


Life in Changhua



Daily Commodity


Highlight Attractions in Greater Taichung Area