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Students Enjoy Happy Get-Together for Lunar New Year; Vice President Lin Encourages to Join College of Industry



NCUE Overseas Chinese Students Association held a "Spring Festival Gathering" on March 10. NCUE Vice President Chien-Hui Lin, Dean Hon Man Lee of the International Office, and counselor Yi-Lan Chiu of the Student Psychological Counseling and Guidance Center were invited to attend, reliving the festive atmosphere of the Lunar New Year with overseas Chinese and foreign students. At the event, Vice President Lin especially suggested that the students, no matter what program they are in, apply to take courses in the future College of Industry, which guarantees employment in Taiwan after graduation.

The "Spring Festival Gathering" is held in the second semester of each school year. Overseas Chinese and foreign students gather together to enjoy the warmth of the Spring Festival reunion. Vice President Lin and Dean Lee, who will pay a visit to Malaysia and Indonesia in the near future, expressed their hopes that the visits will recruit more overseas students to join the NCUE family.

Due to the urgent need for talent in the domestic industry, the government encourages overseas Chinese and foreign students to stay in Taiwan after graduation for employment. NCUE is cooperating with local businesses to establish the College of Industry to cultivate talents that meet the needs of the industry. Vice President Lin stated that students, not limited to majors and programs, are welcome to apply to take the courses at the College, and the credits obtained, along with relevant professional certificates, are the tickets to join Taiwan’s industry.

Dean Lee pointed out that the College is expected to receive a project subsidy from the Ministry of Education so that the College will offer preferential tuition rates for students; in addition, the establishment of the College is just the beginning. NCUE will create more opportunities for Overseas Chinese and foreign students to work in Taiwan after graduation.

At the event, a few students were awarded a scholarship by the Overseas Community Affairs Council of Taiwan. Also, all the students received a “red envelope” from Vice President Lin or Dean Lee, and a drawing game was carried out at the end. Vice President Lin even gave each student a longan cupcake, a famous Changhua snack symbolizing good fortune, creating a joyful scene for the event.

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